Thoughts of a surgeon

Fluid Management in ICU

I’ve come across a couple of interesting papers on fluid administration in the ICU of late: an Editorial entitled ‘Fluid Management in the ICU: has the tide turned?’ (a comment on a systematic review and meta-analysis of the use of fluid boluses in ARDS and sepsis) and 'Fluid management for critically ill patients: a review of the current state of fluid therapy in the intensive care unit.’ It is hard to find any evidence that continued fluid boluses beyond resuscitation are beneficial and the scales continue to sway to the deleterious….

I admit, I am not in equipoise on this issue!

Posted 430 weeks ago


I don’t really know about hashtags and what they are for (I know, showing my age!) but as I move towards a new career path I have decided there needs to be total cleansing. So, the wardrobe and drawers have been dealt to without mercy! Feels so good. 

Posted 431 weeks ago


So, the new chapter framework continues to take shape. It was great to have received such positive comments on the website - it has taken a lot of work but I have enjoyed every moment. Extra special thanks today goes to D for the photo, M for the feedback and all of you whose kind words have made my spirits soar, some of which I have added under Testimonials.

I like the thought which comes to mind today…… "Success stems from a point of inspiration not desperation"

Kia kaha

Posted 431 weeks ago


The next chapter needed a website…..so done it is! I am immensely grateful to my fabulous sister and mother for their inputs - www.karenbarclaysurgeon.com it is!

Posted 432 weeks ago

Retro-ileal anastomosis

I’ve recently had chats about the technical aspects of a left hemi-colectomy (or similar) and how the anastomosis sits - thought this paper by Hogan and Joyce was interesting:

‘Retroileal colorectal anastomosis: an old technique, still relevant’

Tech Coloproctol (2014)18:309-311

Posted 433 weeks ago


‘A smile is the curve that sets everything straight’……a random line in a window today.

On a professional note - first draft of website soon to be tested.

Posted 433 weeks ago

I read recently ‘If you don’t like the chapter you are in, write a new one - you are the author of your life’. So I draft my new chapter. Already the feeling of control of my destiny gives me renewed purpose.

Posted 433 weeks ago